03 April 2010


Reagan’s scraggily hair was begging for a haircut, and last week, Tim strongly urged that I take her to get cleaned up. So, we had an awesome day enjoying the weather and running some errands.

Our morning started with a kiddie music class in the neighborhood – the first of 8 classes with 6 other babes. It was a great hour of dancing, playing with mirrors, and cool musical instruments. After a quick nap and chat with my sister, Nicole, we headed out, since Reagan didn’t nap quite long enough, I figured she would sleep in the car. Luckily, she did and once we got out to the ‘burbs, she was happy as can be. The haircut, while still not totally even, is much better and it was quite entertaining. With the haircut and the steps she’s taking, she’s looking like a big girl these days.



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