20 September 2011

The best find

When I was looking through the pictures from the last post was when I randomly had these 2 images highlighted at the same time in different windows. I first saw them both at the same time next to each other on my screen looking like this…

IMGP5762 IMG_1047

I know that’s what babies do, but I was amused at the similarity of the poses.

(The one one the left is Quinley – we just got that brown rug a few months ago.)

19 September 2011

Do they look alike?

So, we have this new playground across the street from our house. It’s awesome in so many ways, but a story for another day. It has become the new neighborhood hangout for families with young kids, so we’ve met some new people these past few weeks. Almost everyone asks if Quinley looks like Reagan did as a baby…
IMG_0390 In the bath?
IMGP1101 Chillin’ at Grandma’s?
My answer usually something along the lines of “Kind of -dark hair, blue eyes, same baby nose, round face, but no, not at all”.

Baby Bath

Quinley is one lucky duck in that she gets to take baths everywhere. She loves the big bath tub with Reagan, but isn’t too fond of getting splashed. And, she gets to take baths in the kitchen sink. Tim just puts her straight in the sink, but last week, she got to test out the baby tub. She was kicking and splashing and having a grand time.
I love that little half smile she gives you and – yes, my girl has some rolls. I like those, too!

09 September 2011


It’s been a whirlwind couple weeks – us getting back from our month in Huron, Reagan starting school, Michelle and Jared’s wonderful wedding, and sloshing through the rain this week in our first week of our new routine – me back to work, Reagan commuting with me for school, Quinley off to the nanny share, and Tim working from home and taking care of weeknight dinners.

I’m headed off for the weekend for the annual Alumni Leadership Conference at UD. So, a few pictures for the weekend…


