28 June 2010

Busy, busy

Our routine has been a little crazy for over a week now. Our nanny took off 10 days ago for her summer vacation, so we were on our own for a while.

First, Tim went to Vancouver for the week, so we were really on our own. Then, since I am working 4 days, we didn’t have childcare on Thursday, and I have Fridays off, we took off Thursday morning the week before last for a quick trip to New Jersey. We spent a few days with my mom and grandmom before hustling back on Saturday to get some softball in. It was hot, but we had fun (and won a close one) and found some fountains on the Monument grounds. (Thanks for the pics, Em.)


Then, Tim’s mom showed up on Sunday to hang with Reagan for the week. They had an awesome time together. After our Monday morning doctor’s appointment – yes, it was just a virus – the week was much better. Kathy and Reagan had a fabulous time together and Reagan learned a lot of new games and tricks. She is suddenly interested in reading books and even brings them to you to read. She learned Ring Around the Rosie (loves the falling down part) and The Itsy Bitsy Spider (mostly the sun part).

Over the weekend, I sent Tim and Reagan to Huron to spend the week through the 4th and I’ll head out to meet them (and the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins) on Thursday night.

As much as I’ll miss them, this is probably the best week they could be gone. I picked up either some food poisoning or a stomach bug over the weekend and I’m moving very slowly right now. I am quite glad not to be chasing that little one around today.

16 June 2010

Poor, Sick Baby

Our sweet, independent baby has had this cold for the past few weeks and it’s so sad that she hasn’t felt like herself. She has had bucket loads of snot running out of her nose and a low-grade fever on and off. In addition to her 12 month appointment, Tim also took Reagan in last week and I spoke with a nurse the other day. These viral things are so frustrating, because there’s nothing to do about it except treat the symptoms. I don’t want to jinx it, but I think we’re finally on the tail-end of this. Thankfully, she is sleeping really well and we all appreciate that. I’m just ready to get my happy little girl back.




15 June 2010

12 Month Checkup

Things have been pretty crazy since we got back from our vacation, but I did take Reagan to see the doctor for her 12 month checkup the first week we were back. This was a tough one, because it included 2 shots and a blood draw. It was another long appointment, but she was great and tolerated the waiting and the needle sticks really well. Just for the record, she weighed 21.8 lb and is 31.5 in tall, which is about average weight and very tall.

We came prepared with some toys and a drink that occupied us for a while and she found someone to talk to while we were waiting.


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Good Thing…

This (Brazil goal 1, until FIFA takes it down),

this (Brazil goal 2), and only this (North Korea goal 1) happened today, i.e. Brazil won 2-1.

Or Reagan would have felt a little foolish wearing her team gear all day. Luckily, her team came out on top! And she was very excited about it.



11 June 2010

France Videos, Part 2

Heading back to Burgundy (which we visited before we got to Paris), we spent a bit of time each day playing on the grass at our cottage. Once I did laundry (earlier in the trip than anticipated, but we had the facilities, so it was no big deal) I found the clothes pins and they turned out to be a great distraction. We did a wine tasting at the winery of the family of the woman who cares for the cottage – Monnot Roche. We tasted a few wines and learned quite a bit about Burgundian wine. We liked a few of them, but also learned that they don’t distribute under their name in the US.

10 June 2010

France Videos, Part 1

Since we took so many pictures during our trip, some of them have been condensed here and in future posts to “videos”.

The parks in France were fabulous and everywhere and there were great playgrounds. I think we found a playground almost every day and in almost every town or neighborhood we visited. The first picture is from the day we arrived and spent a few hours in Lyon where it was chilly, but we were prepared. The others are from playgrounds in Montmartre (pink shirt) and the Luxemburg Gardens (green shirt).

On a side note, our day in Montmartre was possibly my favorite day of the trip. We trekked up to Montmartre to see Basilica Sacre-Coeur and Reagan conveniently decided it was time for a nap when Tim and I walked up to the top of the dome for a fabulous view of the city. We had a great lunch and then found a playground and a friend (with a toy) while we were exploring the neighborhood streets. Then it was time for Reagan’s afternoon nap, so I sent Tim and Reagan back to the hotel and I took a lovely stroll through the Tuileries Gardens to see the Louvre and then further up the Seine and on a tour of Notre Dame.

Generally speaking, the playgrounds were a great excuse to sit down, relax, enjoy the weather, and sometimes play in the dirt.

01 June 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!

Reagan was all dressed up and ready for her party and then decided it was time for a nap. Luckily, she was up in time to join us for the cake and ice cream, which she really enjoyed. Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us.


Happy Birthday to you!


She got a little help with the candle from the big kids. Thanks, Casey and Mason.


I love cake!


It’s awesome!


Seriously, lady. Enough with the pictures. (Just kidding, Kristy. Thanks for taking all these. They’re great.)



And, this morning, the card may have been thrown aside, but the new puzzle was a big hit.
