30 September 2009

S is for...


Smiling on the Star blanket




So cute!

29 September 2009


Reagan got this pretty, yellow envelope in the mail last week

and it was delicious!

But, inside was an exciting invitation to Elizabeth's first birthday party.

We can't wait to celebrate with the Rohlings!

22 September 2009

16 Weeks!

Even though Reagan doesn't have her 4 month birthday until next week, we went to the doctor's office for her 4 month well-baby check today. She weighed in 14lb. 13oz., which is about what I expected. And, she was measured at 25 1/2 in., just 1/2 in. longer than Uncle Michael and Cousins Michael and Patrick measured her on Sunday!

This appointment was not as pleasant as her previous appointments, probably because it was in the afternoon and that's not her best time these days. She got to practice rolling over on the table and she got 2 more shots, which made for a rough evening. But, she got a good nap and is now sleeping for the night, so hopefully tomorrow will be better.

17 September 2009


It's not that Reagan is a bad sleeper, but it's really great to sleep a whole night through. She had been waking up every morning around 4, but generally was sleeping well. Since she's getting older, we feel like we shouldn't wrap her up as much, but she's not quite ready for not being wrapped at all. So, for the last few nights, we have been swaddling Reagan, but leaving one arm out. This has been great for us and she seems to be okay with it, too. Each of the last two mornings, we have had to wake her up around 7am to get our day going.

Yes, we do put her to sleep on her back, as recommended by all pediatric professionals, but she figured out how to flip herself over and spin 90 degrees. And, she found her thumb, which was clearly why she was sound asleep at 7am and why she didn't wake us up at 4am. We'll continue with this one-arm strategy until she seems to be ready for something else.

12 September 2009


So, Reagan's arms aren't quite long enough for this yet, but Tim did his best to help her through O-H-I-O - much to the amusement of our neighbors.

Go Buckeyes!

I figure I better post this quickly, since, as I type, the Trojans just intercepted the second pass of the game and are about to score the first points of the game. But, it's still early, so Go Bucks!

08 September 2009


We were in Cleveland this weekend and one of the highlights was spending some extended time with Tim's buddy Robbie. Reagan reminded us that we have some awesome pictures from the first time she met Rob in July. She asked that we share them with our blog readers, and since she asked so nicely, here they are...

01 September 2009

3 Months Old!

To celebrate Reagan's 3 month birthday, we took a nice walk around the block to visit with neighbors and enjoy the cool weather - and we gave her a bath, put her to bed, and had a bowl of ice cream! It was nice to be home tonight, since our next few days will be busy and we head to Cleveland for Doug and Michelle's wedding Saturday and to spend Labor Day weekend in Huron.

Notice the thriving plant in the background on the windowsill. It was from my shower here in DC and it is quite happy in the kitchen window. Thanks Em and Meg.