22 September 2009

16 Weeks!

Even though Reagan doesn't have her 4 month birthday until next week, we went to the doctor's office for her 4 month well-baby check today. She weighed in 14lb. 13oz., which is about what I expected. And, she was measured at 25 1/2 in., just 1/2 in. longer than Uncle Michael and Cousins Michael and Patrick measured her on Sunday!

This appointment was not as pleasant as her previous appointments, probably because it was in the afternoon and that's not her best time these days. She got to practice rolling over on the table and she got 2 more shots, which made for a rough evening. But, she got a good nap and is now sleeping for the night, so hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Anonymous said...

Oh-h-h-h, I wish I could just squeeze that beautiful doll. She's growing up so fast.

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, Reagan and Tim,
Reagan looks soooooooooooo cute in bed! She looks so AMAZING! And of course you do too Susan and Tim!
Rachel Anne Armstrong