28 January 2012

Who needs to crawl

Quinley has been sitting on her own for a few weeks, and recently she has been getting onto her hands and knees and rocking. Today she decided kneeling was pretty cool. Yes she did this by herself.

23 January 2012


A few weeks ago, we had a nice enough weekend day and needed to get out of the house, so, Reagan hopped on her scooter and off we went…


Quinley loved the slide


and Reagan got some climbing in. (helmet required)


20 January 2012

On time departure?

I am lucky enough to be in Milwaukee. They say we will depart on time. I am not so sure.

17 January 2012

Dinner time

Reagan is a big help, especially at dinner. Notice she uses both hands to feed Quinley.

14 January 2012

09 January 2012

St. Patty's Day?

No, just a fun Christmas present.

08 January 2012

06 January 2012

Sitting up no help

I think she had been able to sit for a week or do, but she is much more steady now.

03 January 2012

Miss Independent

Today, I walked in to pick Reagan up from school and she was in the bigger kids’ classroom – the Buttercups – and happy as can be. Her new teacher told me that at morning snack time she asked Reagan if she wanted to have snack with the Buttercups and then she never look back. She went to the playground, had lunch and nap with her new class and she has a new cubby. She loved it and, just as we hoped and expected, jumped right in.

We had talked since about Thanksgiving about her moving up to the next classroom and over the whole break. She kept saying, “I’ll be a Buttercup soon.”

When we got home today, Tim asked her about her day and she told him, “I’m a Buttercup!”