I suppose it was bound to happen eventually, but Reagan (and Jack) have really taken to opening the kitchen cabinets and pulling out everything that is inside. We do have a lock on the cabinet with plastic bags and dish soap, but otherwise, they pretty much have free reign on anything they can reach. The favorite right now is the corner cabinet by the sink. This has 2 spinning shelves, one contains Reagan’s bottles, cups, and other supplies stored mostly in a colander and the other (after trading storage locations with the small and sometimes sharp appliances) contains the wooden salad bowls and crab mallets. I’m not sure what I was doing the other night, but I turned around and found this…
29 April 2010
22 April 2010
Liking the Camera
We’re starting to see a big personality in this little girl and some of that happens when the camera comes out. I was taking her picture from across the room the other day and she came over and was really cheesing it up. She thought she was being pretty funny.
She started out sitting across the room and then she realized I had the camera out…
Plotting her course…
The first attack…
Showing off her teeth…
And, of course, it’s not a smile without the nose crinkle.
21 April 2010
20 April 2010
Tofu Adventure
One of my favorite food writers/bloggers – Kim O’Donnel – occasionally has theme weeks on her blog and two weeks ago was Tofu and Tempeh Challenge week. So, I bought a block of tofu, which I have never cooked with before and made dinner twice with it. Last Thursday, Reagan and I had a modified tofu and broccoli based on this recipe. I thought it was good, but would follow the recipe a bit more closely next time to give it more flavor, since I skipped a few steps this time. As you can see, Reagan was a big fan.
Not only did she enjoy the tofu, but you can see her clap at the beginning as a sign for “more”. She’s getting better at the actual sign, though I think she thinks it means “food”. We’ll keep working on that one. And, you can see how much she loves to eat from a big fork.
15 April 2010
06 April 2010
Great Falls (MD)
The weather on Saturday of Easter weekend was absolutely gorgeous, so we took Reagan to Great Falls National Park in Maryland for her first real hike on the Billy Goat Trail. And then a quick walk back on the Burma Road trail back to the car, since it’s a bit more quiet than walking on the towpath.
Getting ready
The rushing Potomac
You may not have been able to see it too well in the last picture, but the river was really high. There were 2 points along the Trail that were under water, though they usually aren’t. On this crossing, you could take the log or the rocks. Yes, they chose the log. I guess you have to start her early!
05 April 2010
Happy Easter
We had a great Easter day with brunch at my boss, Charles’s, house and dinner at our house with friends. Reagan got to a small Easter basket and to hunt for eggs twice, the first time with Tim and the second time with her friend Elizabeth
Eggs waiting to be hunted – Somehow, I was able to hide place these the night before and we distracted her in the morning until we were ready to spend some time playing and searching.
The first hunt – she was quite pleased to find snacks and toys (legos and Little People from her toy box) inside.
Fun at Charles’s house – pretty flowers and good books! (and delicious food and great company on a beautiful day, we just didn’t get any pictures of those parts)
03 April 2010
Reagan’s scraggily hair was begging for a haircut, and last week, Tim strongly urged that I take her to get cleaned up. So, we had an awesome day enjoying the weather and running some errands.
Our morning started with a kiddie music class in the neighborhood – the first of 8 classes with 6 other babes. It was a great hour of dancing, playing with mirrors, and cool musical instruments. After a quick nap and chat with my sister, Nicole, we headed out, since Reagan didn’t nap quite long enough, I figured she would sleep in the car. Luckily, she did and once we got out to the ‘burbs, she was happy as can be. The haircut, while still not totally even, is much better and it was quite entertaining. With the haircut and the steps she’s taking, she’s looking like a big girl these days.