05 June 2009

Wow! What a big day I had.

First, I went to my local coffee shop with Mom, Dad, my neighbor Jennifer and her son Jack, who I will share a nanny with in September. Mom and Dad forgot their camera, but Jennifer had hers. I'll post those pics when she sends them.

Then I took a nap after Mom fed me...Doesn't she look great?

Next I hung out with my friends in my nursery

Dad was telling funny jokes all day long...he's really funny.

Then I went to the doctor. I was very brave and they told me I am doing great. Almost back to my birth weight.

I got to ride in my stroller for the first time...I liked that.
It was a big day.


Marcy said...

that second one is like that scene in ET.

Anonymous said...

Susan looks awesome and Reagan gets prettier every day. Keep those pictures coming.
papa and grandma

Big E said...


I am embarassed at how long it took me to figure out that this post was not from your perspective.

She's just perfect! I cannot get over the hair. Too bad we're far away or our kids could be BFFs.

Give Susan and Reagan a hug for me.

Love- E

PS Nice of you to name your baby after the second best president.

PPS If you want any unsolicited advise my blog is www.motherhoodfornormalpeople.com