Shortly after noon, I got myself some lunch and fed her, planning to leave by 1. I took her up to change her and this little fountain peed all over everything. Despite my preemptive efforts to try to keep her shirt dry, I was unsuccessful and her "cute outfit" - she only gets one per day - was removed for plain white. Not a big deal as this happens pretty regularly, but as soon as we got downstairs, she spit up... down both of our shirts. Back upstairs for her third shirt of the day and my second - fun times. And, yes, she was screaming the whole time, because she doesn't like getting changed and then she didn't want to be put down while I changed myself.

We still had lots to do... a quick trip through Safeway, during which Reagan was a champ and happily slept in the sling. And a big thank you to the nice guy from Bar Louie who helped me carry my stuff down the steps to the car, since the elevators were not working. We caught an afternoon nap and then were off to our neighborhood bar, Pap & Petey's, to catch up with some friends who used to live in the neighborhood. And Briant and Wendy invited everyone back to their place for an impromptu dinner and to enjoy the backyard - and lovely new outdoor furniture. We all got to bed much later than our normal bedtimes, but it was a great, though exhausting day.
Reagan gets prettier and prettier. I hope she fits in the crib, what with the way she's growing!
Can't wait to see you. mom and dad
Man do they grow fast!!! Good thing it was pee pee and not poop.
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