17 June 2011

Big Girl Bed

A few weeks ago, with the construction nearing completion, we were able to move Reagan back into her room. We got a new full size bed, expecting to move Reagan into that so the baby can have the crib later this year. Initially, getting her to sleep in the crib was pretty difficult, was taking a really long time every night, and was super frustrating for all of us.

So, one night, as we were reading books, I asked her where she wanted to sleep and she told me – the big bed. I told her there was one rule – don’t get out of bed. That night, she got up once, but was straight back to bed. The past week, we’ve just about been able to turn the light off and leave the room. She’s super cozy in there and loves it.



1 comment:

JC said...

She looks lonely. How about 20 stuffed animals? Come get some from Amalia.