10 April 2011

Atlantic City Aquarium

The last time we were in New Jersey, we took a drive down to the Atlantic City Aquarium. It is past most of the casinos and and back through what seems to be a quiet neighborhood. Granted, it was March and super windy, so it was pretty chilly anywhere near the beach. It was the perfect place to pass some time, though.

It is a small place with a not very large shark/dive tank on the first floor, petting tanks on both floors, and a few other exhibits to see. The petting tanks were a big hit with both Reagan and Tim.

And, Reagan did wear weather appropriate clothes that day, but she got too close to practically in the water, so we took her long sleeve shirt off to try to keep her dry.IMG_3938

We weren’t too successful ;)

But, it was fun and left us dreaming of summer and the beach.

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