18 March 2011

Geese, fish, and games

In San Juan, our room was in a building separate from the main hotel building, but we walked over there a few times a day and had to walk by the fish pond, that was also home to quite a few geese and peacocks. Reagan learned about geese and that they honk, and she was always pointing out their funny “noses”.


But, the highlight was the parrots – 2 blue ones and a white one. They were pretty funny – one morning, the white one was napping, so she would say “shhh” any time we talked about then. They, we caught them eating their breakfast – and there was food flying everywhere – so she would tell us how they made a such a mess.


There were also some games near the main beach/pool area. There was a big chess board, a Reagan-sized jenga set, and a large Connect 4 board. We didn’t play any of the games by the rules, but the equipment did occupy us for a while.




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