20 October 2010


I really hate feeling like I absolutely have to turn the computer on and get some things done once I get home from work. But, sometime that happens and that’s what I get for signing up for this chapter presidency. It’s all good, but it makes me less likely to want to play with pictures and blog either.

Though, much of my time lately has been taken up working on Reagan’s awesome Halloween costume. She’s going to be super cute. It’s almost finished, but I need to do a real fitting to finalize a few things. I also picked up some cute Halloween fabric and made her a candy bag. It’s smaller than I originally planned, but it will be perfect. And, I made one for Jack. They’re going to love them.

Since I don’t think we took any pictures last weekend and I can’t remember exactly where I left the camera, here are a few play pictures from a few weeks ago.

IMG_3255 IMG_3262

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