27 February 2011



Tim asked me on Thursday night to post this picture. With Tim out enjoying some time in wintery Colorado, Reagan and I had a great weekend and I am just getting to this – though I really should be heading to bed.

Friday, we went to art class and it seems like Reagan’s starting to get it and really like it. Then, we ran a few errands and had an doctor’s appointment with our new ped, who is great. And, we went to Union Station on the way home for a cookie.

Saturday was a lazy day – grocery shopping, a good nap (for Reagan) and cleaning (vacuuming and washing the floors for me), and some running around at the playground enjoying the beautiful afternoon.

Today, we skipped out on a decent nap again, but we had an awesome time playing at REI. Reagan, among other things that interested her, loved the push bike – one of those with no pedals. I think she would do great with it, but I’m worried about having a safe place for her to ride. We’ll have to think about that a bit as the weather gets warmer.

Hope you all had a great weekend, too!

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