For Christmas, we made our annual trek to New Jersey for Christmas eve and Christmas Day and then flew to Cleveland for a belated Christmas celebration with the Armstrongs.
It was a very good trip to spend time with family and Reagan had fun with some new experiences.
First in New Jersey a huge snow storm came in starting Christmas night and lasted well into the night the following day. Not sure what the official count was, but by our measure, 18 inches fell in 24 hours. We had packed Reagan’s snow stuff, thinking we would need it in Cleveland, so out she went in the storm. She thought it was really neat.
In Cleveland, it was cold the first few days and then warmed up the following days. On our first full day there we went to Snow Days and Progressive Field. Reagan had her first ice skating experience. I am not sure she was a born natural but she had fun anyway.
The lake was frozen which is always neat. It changes daily based on wind, temp., etc. We always like to go down and check it out.
On News Years Eve, we went to our friends’ Jeremy and Megan’s house where Reagan and Avery got to play together. When we got there Avery was napping, so Reagan had the toys to herself. After Avery woke up they played nicely together.
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