15 November 2010

Tee-shirts on November 15th?

So this Sunday was the first time is a long time where we found ourselves with a completely free day.  No out-of-town guests, no flag football, no soccer.  Just a free day and beautiful weather.  So after a good nap, we headed down to the National Mall to ride the marry-go-round and kill sometime.

IMGP4400IMGP4424 Then we went to the sculpture garden and played tag:

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We stopped by the Natural History Museum and they had this cool crochet coral reef.  What is that you ask, it is a huge coral reef made out of crochet, of course:


When we left, the sun was low in the sky, providing some interesting lighting:


1 comment:

kathy said...

Reagan is getting so big. Can't wait til Thanksgiving. mom