02 August 2010

Hand Holding

Since we live on and usually walk on busy streets, our rules are 1- hold hands on the sidewalk and 2- for now, she is picked up to cross the street. Hopefully, Reagan will get better at walking while holding hands and a little less distracted and she’ll be able to walk across some streets herself.

Did I mention Reagan doesn’t like holding hands? This is how we spend quite a bit of our time out. When we hold hands I hold her arm, she gets frustrated, pulls loose, and plops down. She plays with crap on the ground until I pick her up and we try again.


And, sometimes, we get to just walk down the street and it’s nice.


1 comment:

Jenny said...

I've been letting James walk from the car to the house or daycare and vice versa. He does the same thing...doesn't want to hold hands, wanders off, has mini-tantrums. Who knew it started so soon?