The mom, the dad, and the girl
went for a walk in the wood
while they were there,
they found a small toad,
but he ran when she started to stare!
(admittedly, the rhyming scheme is off, but we still had a good hike)
The mom, the dad, and the girl
went for a walk in the wood
while they were there,
they found a small toad,
but he ran when she started to stare!
(admittedly, the rhyming scheme is off, but we still had a good hike)
Reagan and I decided to take advantage of some beautiful weather and took a trip to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park (okay, the zoo) with our friends Jennifer and Jack. We had a great day, even though I feel like we didn’t see too many animals.
Our zoo is a big hill, so we started at the top and walked to the bottom first to see the farm animals and play on the Pizza. For a little scale, here’s Reagan hanging on a pepperoni with a tomato behind her.
Besides petting the cow and seeing alpacas, goats, donkeys, and pigs, we saw the big cats
and the gorillas. I loved this little gorilla. She was born in January last year and is cute and runs around, climbing and playing just like Reagan and our friends.
Since the kids missed their morning naps, they both crashed as we were leaving. So cute!
If there is one thing we’ve been a little lax on this summer, it would have to be eating enough corn on the cob. I think Tim and I are pretty much corn snobs. I know that I love corn, but growing up in South Jersey, I just about only like Jersey corn, but Ohio and Maryland corn are okay stand-ins.
Now, Reagan, to say that she loves corn would be an understatement. Last weekend, she started out with some small end pieces, but ended up eating almost a full ear on her own. Awesome!
to Jeremy and Megan for a beautiful ceremony and wonderful, though damp super wet, day.
We had an awesome night and got to spend the night with some awesome Clevelanders!
After a great long weekend at the shore with family in New Jersey, we came home to a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Since Tim was out with the car, which also had the stroller in it, we were a bit limited in our range. But, there’s always the playground.
Reagan was mesmerized by some older kids (3 year olds) who were there with us. She stood there for a few minutes just watching and then tried to get in on the t-ball action. She liked the bat, but was more interested in throwing the ball than hitting it.
And, my favorite from the day.
Since we live on and usually walk on busy streets, our rules are 1- hold hands on the sidewalk and 2- for now, she is picked up to cross the street. Hopefully, Reagan will get better at walking while holding hands and a little less distracted and she’ll be able to walk across some streets herself.
Did I mention Reagan doesn’t like holding hands? This is how we spend quite a bit of our time out. When we hold hands I hold her arm, she gets frustrated, pulls loose, and plops down. She plays with crap on the ground until I pick her up and we try again.
And, sometimes, we get to just walk down the street and it’s nice.