Our routine has been a little crazy for over a week now. Our nanny took off 10 days ago for her summer vacation, so we were on our own for a while.
First, Tim went to Vancouver for the week, so we were really on our own. Then, since I am working 4 days, we didn’t have childcare on Thursday, and I have Fridays off, we took off Thursday morning the week before last for a quick trip to New Jersey. We spent a few days with my mom and grandmom before hustling back on Saturday to get some softball in. It was hot, but we had fun (and won a close one) and found some fountains on the Monument grounds. (Thanks for the pics, Em.)
Then, Tim’s mom showed up on Sunday to hang with Reagan for the week. They had an awesome time together. After our Monday morning doctor’s appointment – yes, it was just a virus – the week was much better. Kathy and Reagan had a fabulous time together and Reagan learned a lot of new games and tricks. She is suddenly interested in reading books and even brings them to you to read. She learned Ring Around the Rosie (loves the falling down part) and The Itsy Bitsy Spider (mostly the sun part).
Over the weekend, I sent Tim and Reagan to Huron to spend the week through the 4th and I’ll head out to meet them (and the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins) on Thursday night.
As much as I’ll miss them, this is probably the best week they could be gone. I picked up either some food poisoning or a stomach bug over the weekend and I’m moving very slowly right now. I am quite glad not to be chasing that little one around today.