29 July 2009

A Few Pics

A quick update, since I really should be sleeping now. Tim left on Monday for Denver for a few days, so Reagan and I have been on our own since he left for work Monday morning. We do okay by ourselves, but we both miss Tim when he's not here for so long.

Reagan went for her 8 week well baby visit on Tuesday and is still doing great. She was 12.0 lbs and 24 in! And she got a few shots, which went okay when they happened, but wiped her out for the afternoon. She's feeling much better today, so walked down to our local, Philadelphia-style sandwich shop Taylor for lunch and it was delicious!

Working out with dad

I think she's cute when she's angry and, no, I didn't let her scream too long.

Something about the doctor's office makes her really happy - or it could have been the long nap she took while we were visiting my coworkers.

21 July 2009

Cute as...


My sister, Nicole, sent this great onesie from Switzerland. "Chou" translates literally to cabbage, but she says they also use it as a slang for cute. And the letters and cabbage on the shirt are fuzzy, which makes it even better!

African Safari

We found ourselves driving around the African Safari Wildlife Park near Sandusky on Sunday with Katie, Tyler, and Jenna - and what an adventurous drive it was! Thankfully, we made a good decision to leave Reagan with Papa and Grandma, because she is not ready for that kind of dirt and stinkiness. And, we took Grandma's minivan, which got a thorough cleaning afterwards, but I sure am glad it wasn't our car.

We saw lots of deer, petted the bison's tongue, tried to keep the longhorn's horns out of the van, fed the giraffe checked out the alpaca, and Jenna rode a pony. Then, we wandered around the smaller animals outside and watched the NASPIG race. Our pig, Dale Swinehart, Jr., was the winner and Tyler and Jenna were great flaggers.

And, a picture of Reagan, since we haven't posted one in a while.

18 July 2009

15 July 2009

Go Tyler!

One morning last weekend, we took a walk over to the playground behind the school and played on their great equipment. Though we played on all of the equipment, the funniest part was Tyler rolling down the slide!

11 July 2009

Visiting with Grandmom

We took a quick trip to NJ for the weekend of the 4th and spent the day with the Grillo family at the beach. Reagan slept very well at Mom-mom's house and got to spend some quality time with Grandmom. Hopefully Reagan's smiling face helped Grandmom's arm feel better.

06 July 2009

One Month Old

Everybody always says that time flies with these kids - and they are right! I really can't believe that last week, Reagan was one month old and today she is already 5 weeks old. We had a big week last week with my grandmother in town, so we cooked and ate a lot and did some shopping every day.
And, we saw the doctor again. Reagan weighed in again at 10 lb. 2 oz. and 22. 5 in.