31 May 2009

39.5 Weeks

Still waiting...

25 May 2009

Getting Ready

Over the last two weekends, we completed (or more accurately someone complete for us) a bunch of tasks that should have been completed long ago...

Moved the family room fan to the middle of the room...

Installed a new hallway light...
Had the walls painted...

and put the wall paper border up in the soon-to-be nursery.

Here is a sneak preview of the nursery and the always popular baby bump photo.

20 May 2009

T Minus Two Weeks

The official due date is June 3...that is in exactly two weeks! I don't know about you, but when I woke up this morning this was stuck in my head (hint: click on "this")

17 May 2009

Phils-Nats Game

After a productive day of working on a few projects on the house - we now have a fan that is centered in the TV room and a new outlet and window air conditioner in the back bedroom, aka the nursery - we (Tim, Michael, Patrick, Uncle Michael, Mary Kay, Jack, and I) headed down to the Phillies-Nationals game. The rain started while we were driving down to the stadium, so we spent a bit of time at the outfield bar. This was conveniently just in time to see the Preakness and watch the filly, Rachel Alexandra, beat all those boys.

The rain cleared up for an on-time game start. The boys decided to sit as close as they could get,

but Mary Kay and I stretched out in our actual ticketed seats out in right field.

Early in the 6th inning, the rain started and Mary Kay and I had to decide whether to try to wait it out under cover at the top of our section or head down into the concourse. Well, we went up, and then the monsoon came...

We made it out, slightly damp, but we had a great time!

37.5 Weeks

10 May 2009

36.5 Weeks

It's been a busy few weeks since the last photo update. We had a shower, Tim's 30th birthday party, and we've finally played a few softball games - since the rain has been so prominent here in DC this spring. And, we're slowly gathering gear and getting ourselves organized and ready for the baby to show up.

Caterpillars & Butterflies

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Meg and Emily who threw a fabulous baby shower a few weeks ago. And thank you to the ladies (and babies) who came and celebrated the upcoming arrival of baby Armstrong.

Caterpillars & butterflies
Emily and Meg
Ohio State gear
Mmmm... cupcakes
Baby Elizabeth
and Jack, ready for the big-time

Then, we took a great trip to the Museum of Natural History to visit the butterfly exhibit.